Re: Regarding Mudge's OBP/FORTH root hack (PHRACK53)

From: Casper Dik (casperat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 13 1998 - 13:14:03 PDT

  • Next message: Liviu Daia: "Re: Slackware Shadow Insecurity"

    >Alas, "full" password mode on at least some of the Sun systems I have used
    >will also prompt for the password before completing any legitimate boot,
    >more or less cripping the lab/server in the event of any kind of
    >unattended restart.  Such as might well happen in a lab, or on a server
    >after a panic, power out, or other incident.  It also does not prevent the
    >Stop-A/Break from freezing the running system.
    Correct; this is why at one point in my past I had a lab configured with
    a shutdown/bootup script (an rcX.d script) that would switch security-mode
    full to command on shutdown and switch command to full on boot.
    This way you could reboot remotely, but anyone typing L1-A or wanting
    to pwer cycle would have to go to the sysadmin's office and explain why
    he/she did what he did (you guessed it, student environment)
    >I believe that setting the EEPROM security mode to "command" will prevent
    >anyone from doing much to the system other than to Stop-A/Break halt it
    >and reboot with the default boot params; it will also will allow a halted
    >machine to be continued.  It should (at least so the manual pages seem to
    >claim) not allow other commands, and I am pretty sure it will allow an
    >unattended reboot to the default boot device.  Seems like this would be
    >the best remedy in a lab environment.
    >Note that none of the modes will prevent the Stop-A/Break halt itself,
    >AFAIK.  But now we're talking physical access issues, and all physcially
    >accessible system are subject to the snip hole (power cord?  <snip>), and
    >the spray hole (spray water into the box), should the malicious person
    >want to halt it in person.
    In Solaris 2.6, you can edit /etc/default/kbd and disable console
    break as well.  (Add KEYBOARD_ABORT=disable)
    Here's the script/install as /etc/init.d/security-mode and make
    the following links:
    ln -s /etc/init.d/security-mode      /etc/rc0.d/K99secmode
    ln -s /etc/init.d/security-mode      /etc/rc2.d/S06secmode
    export PATH
    # When shutting down security mode is set to command if full.
    # If the security mode is changed, /security-full is touched.
    # When starting security mode is reset to full when /security-full
    # exists and all mode is command.
    mode=`expr "\`eeprom security-mode\`" : 'security-mode=\(.*\)'`
    #echo mode=$mode
    case "$1" in
            if [ -f $file -a "$mode" = command ]
                rm $file && eeprom security-mode=full
                #echo mode set to full
            if [ "$mode" = full ]
                touch $file && eeprom security-mode=command
                #echo mode set to command
    *) echo Usage: /etc/init.d/security-mode { start | stop } 1>&2

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