Re: Object tag crashes Internet Explorer 4.0

From: Paul Leach (paulleat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 06 1998 - 01:53:25 PDT

  • Next message: Olaf Seibert: "Re: A way to prevent buffer overflow exploits? (was: "Any user"

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: dzpat_private [mailto:dzpat_private]
    > Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 1998 3:27 PM
    > Please remember - the computation _terminated_ with a behaviour
    > normally considered to be some sort of bug.
    Considered by whom? Someone who couldn't tell the difference between a long
    filename buffer overrun bug (which we said we'd fixed) and a
    self-referential object tag, so essentially accused us of lying about fixing
    the bug, and who couldn't write clearly anyway?
    As a result, I just didn't care about the precise problem reported, and was
    commenting on the problem of "bad" web pages in general. If we started
    examining web pages to analyze them and catch "bad" ones before we executed
    them, it is indeed true we could catch many bad ones. However, every one we
    don't catch would be a "YET ANOTHER MAJOR MS SECURITY HOLE", and the theory
    tells us we can't catch all of them. So, we're just not going to start down
    that path. If a site has pages that cause your browser to restart, don't go
    there again; set your Zones to stop you if you really want. No serious site
    has any interest in allowing such pages to exist on its site, and about all
    you lose when the browser restarts is the history list, since it's about as
    stateless as you can get in an app (except for its config data, which isn't
    lost anyway).

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