Re: BASH buffer overflow, LiNUX x86 exploit

From: Crispin Cowan (crispinat_private)
Date: Sat Sep 19 1998 - 19:14:06 PDT

  • Next message: Bernd Eckenfels: "Re: NMRC Advisory - Default NDS Rights"

    While experimentin with MiG's exploit, I've discovered another ramification of this form of
    vulnerability: the locate facility.  If you leave the huge directory tree that this exploit
    builds lying around over night, and you have locate installed in your crontab (default in Red
    Hat Linux) then it builds a locate database entry that causes the locate command to seg fault.
    Result:  if root uses locate to find something (very common while sysadmin is trying to
    fix/find something) then the attacker may get root privs via the locate command.
    Related question:  I have been unable to get MiG's exploit to work.  I have RH 5.1 installed,
    but I made sure to get bash 1.14.7(1) to test it.  It builds the big nasty directory tree, but
    cd'ing to it as instructed just produces a seg fault.
     Crispin Cowan, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science, OGI
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