Remote CGI can crash Netscape 4.x

From: Jim Paris (jimat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 05 1998 - 13:33:13 PDT

  • Next message: Randy Richardson: "Re: NMRC Advisory - "Decryption" of the RCONSOLE Password"

    Netscape 4.x will crash when given a content-type of "internal/parser".
    Earlier versions seem unaffected.  Tested versions are 4.05 and 4.5b1.
    Under Win95 it simply hangs and needs a three finger salute to kill it.
    It dies with a bus fault under Linux.  To test it, try , which contains
    echo Content-type: internal/parser
    echo If you can see this, your browser is OK!
    It may be possible to do worse than crash a browser.  If this data is
    going to the same place that parsed pages go, I would imagine that
    buffer overflows are present.
    I submitted a bug report to Netscape.

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