Re: More Rconsole stuff

From: Randy Richardson (randy@INTER-CORPORATE.COM)
Date: Mon Oct 12 1998 - 00:49:42 PDT

  • Next message: HIGH TIMES: "(no subject)"

    > As of NetWare 4.x, Novell recommends using the Inetcfg utility for
    > managing networking. If you have "load remote" in the autoexec.ncf,
    > Inetcfg will try to grab it and add it to Inetcfg's scripts.
    > The problem here is that Inetcfg saves the Rconsole password to SYS:ETC
    > in a file named Netinfo.cfg. All users have full read access to this
    > directory so anyone with a valid account can view the Rconsole password.
    > Given Simple Nomad's post, even if you cut and paste in order to ensure
    > that the password is encrypted, it is still extremely vulnerable.
            That's not correct.  By default, users don't have access to SYS:ETC.  If you
    grant them access here, then you're asking for trouble because the only modules
    that need access to this directory are the NLMs (NetWare Loadable Modules) that
    run on the server.
    > The patch would be to call remote from another NCF file which is stored
    > in the SYS:SYSTEM directory. This will at least limit access to only
    > Admins. This will also prevent Inetcfg from trying to grab it. Of course
    > the real fix would be to not use Rconsole. ;)
            This is a good solution if users do have access to SYS:ETC, but if your users
    do have access to SYS:ETC then it is time to find out why.
    > I've also noticed (with 4.1x anyway) that if you enable Telnet access to
    > the server, remote sessions are not logged. Combine this with the above
    > and any user can now whack away at the server console without leaving an
    > audit trail.
            I agree.  TelNet access should be disabled on NetWare 3.x and NetWare 4.x
    > Any known patches for the above would be most cool,
    > Chris
            HiTecSoft has a product called "WebConsole" which allows RConsole-style
    control of a server through straight HTML (and forms, of course).  You can find
    out more about this product at the following URL:
                    HiTecSoft's WebConsole for NetWare
            You'll even find an online demonstration.
    Randy Richardson -
    Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, Inc.
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    "Printing nightmares?  Enjoy sweet dreams with NDPS on NetWare."

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