Quake problem?

From: mjat_private
Date: Sun Nov 01 1998 - 09:48:42 PST

  • Next message: Pavel Kankovsky: "Re: Sendmail, lynx, Netscape, sshd, Linux kernel (twice)"

    I apoligize in advance if this seems unimportant or if anything resembling
    this was ever posted in the past.  I looked through the archive and came
    across nothing.
    In playing with a friend of mine's code (dcd3 by Volatile) and combing
    through the bugtraq archives...i came across something that i found
    interesting.  In May of this year, Ambrose Feinstein said...
    "actually, using the attack on yourself for the same set of servers would
    work too; if a netquake server gets a connection from an ip already
    connected, even on a different port, it drops both."
    Assuming this is correct, what stops anyone running a variation of unix to
    send a spoofed packet to the quake server of anyone they dont like and
    having the quake server drop both connections?
    This would cause that person pinging 300+ and getting wooped by the person
    from the edu pinging 130 to have full control over whether the person
    could play or not.  Just a thought....Lemme know if anyone can produce
    this with some success.
    MyDesktop Networks - http://www.mydesktop.com

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