10th anniversary of the Internet Worm

From: Gregory Newby (gbnewbyat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 02 1998 - 19:33:51 PST

  • Next message: X-Force: "ISS Security Advisory: BMC PATROL File Creation Vulnerability"

    Lest we forget, today was the 10th anniversary of the
    Internet Worm, released by Robert Tappan Morris, Jr.
    An article about it appears at http://www.msnbc.com/news/209745.asp
    Morris was the first person to be tried under the Computer
    Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986.  His trial took place in Syracuse,
    NY (an hour or so north of Cornell University).  He was sentenced
    to 3 years of probation and also paid a fine and did some
    community service.  (Kevin Mitnick should be so lucky!)
    Morris' worm exploited three known but un-patched security
            - a hole in sendmail
            - a hole in finger
            - the use of .rhosts files
    Estimates at the time were that around 6000 computers were
    infected.  Because the Internet (and Usenet) was virtually
    useless during the few days the Worm was active, people
    working to eradicate the worm used BITNET mailing lists
    to communicate.
    One of the major outcomes of the Internet Worm was the
    formation of CERT.  At first, CERT was a non-profit affiliated
    with Carnegie Mellon University.  Later, CERT was semi-privatized
    and became a multi-tiered membership organization.
      -- gbn

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