SUN almost has a clue! (automountd)

From: Corruptio Optimi Pessima (corruptioat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 04 1999 - 00:12:08 PST

  • Next message: Jan B. Koum: "January SysAdmin EY script DoS bug."

                                                          January 3, 1999
                             Corruptio Optimi Pessima
                     "corruption of the best is worst of all"
     Vulnerability: Automountd
     Operating System: SUN Solaris
     Versions affected: 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6, 2.7 (X86 and SPARC architectures)
    [ Rant ---------------------------------------------------------- ----
       You pay for this?  Why is it vendors can't get the hint?  Network
    users demand secure software, not poor attempts at patching
    longstanding holes in the current revisions.  Sun was warned about
    this bug years ago, and over time all they could come up with is a
    single broken patch that reminds us of the first Microsoft fix for
    the port 139 OOB attack.  Why does it take vendors like Sun over
    three MONTHS to patch this kind of hole?
       They claim that it takes that long because of the level of testing
    they must put the software through.  Right.  So not only do they
    supply a broken patch, they test it for three months and never
    notice it is still vulnerable, then release it to their paying
       You pay for this?  How many security vendors knew about this and
    said nothing?  Why did CERT never report this?  Why have hackers
    been passing these exploits around for two years?  Why didn't the
    ueber-spies of the ICSA get their hands on this and report it?
       Why didn't Sun's own "security analysis team" of 70 people find
    this bug (or any others)?  Could it be job security?  We think so.
    ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- ]
    [ Details ------------------------------------------------------- ----
       Back in 1995, a vulnerability was discovered and a new world of
    buggy software born. This particular bug, would be conceived when
    Sun Microsystems made the foolish decision to ship Solaris 2.5 to
       Since then, it has been a downhill roller coaster for the boys and
    girls at SUN. Now, not only is 2.5 affected, but 2.5.1 stock, 2.5.1
    patched, 2.6 and 2.7 are all affected as well.
       This bug is particularly important, because it shows the
    incompetence of Sun Microsystems.  Not only do they sit on patching
    bugs for months at a time, they cant even patch bugs right!
       When exploit code for the local automountd problem was leaked a few
       YEARS ago, SUN developed a patch and labeled it #104654-05.
    However, intrestingly enough, even after the patch was released,
    this bug could still be exploited quite trivially.
       What SUN decided todo, was remove the 'popen' call and put in its
    place an 'execve' call.  Absolutely brilliant.  Did they forget
    that the variable holding the program and arguments to be execued
    could still be set by issuing a AUTOFS_MOUNT call to automountd?
    Or, is this a case of job security by one of Sun's engineers?
       We certainly feel it is the latter.
       Either way, not only is this bug local, but it is remote too!
       And, not only is it remote, but it is started by default as well!
       Yes, thats right boys and girls, you can now execute any program
       you like on any default installation of SUN remotely!  When
    exploiting this vulnerability, be sure to send SUN your warmest
       Now, getting back to the bug at hand, a few things have to be
    established before this can be exploited.
       First of all, to remotely exploit this bug, it becomes two-pronged.
       Meaning, we are now going to introduce another remote bug in the
       SUN Solaris operating system that when combined with the previous,
       create a lethal combination.
       This new bug, located in rpc.statd which is also started by default
       (imagine that!), allows for remote packets to be bounced to the
    local Operating System.
       Looking back at the details of automountd, we remember that it
    cannot accept packets on UDP or TCP protocols.  But, it can accept
    packets on the TLI protocol, which rpc.statd happens to forward to,
    allowing us to remotely execute commands by sending our packets to
       So, with all this in mind, if we send two RPC packets to rpc.statd
    on Solaris 2.5, 2.5.1 stock, 2.5.1 patched, 2.6, or 2.7, with the
    SM_MON and SM_NOTIFY commands, rpc.statd will happily forward the
    packet on to the local operating system's automountd daemon.
       Variables we will have to setup will be the following:
       struct mon monr;
       struct status stat;
       memset(&monr, 0, sizeof(struct mon));
       monr.mon_id.my_id.my_name = cache;
       monr.mon_id.my_id.my_prog = (unsigned long)AUTOFS_PROG;
       monr.mon_id.my_id.my_proc = (unsigned long)AUTOFS_MOUNT;
       mon_id.my_id.my_name will be our cache, which we will be using to
       tell rpc.statd where to forward the packets to.
       The cache of the remote system can be found by establishing a
    connection to port 23, or port 21 of the system.  The cache will
    usually appear inside parentheseis, and will be the hostname of the
       Another example of obtaining the cache, would be to lookup the ip
    address of the machine and use the hostname that comes back.
       For example, for, you could try 'pathetic' or
       '', and it will be a pretty safe bet that you will
       pick the correct hostname.
       mon_id.my_id.my_prog will be the variable AUTOFS_PROG telling
    rpc.statd which RPC service to connect to.
       mon_id.my_id.my_proc will be the variable AUTOFS_MOUNT telling
    rpc.statd to tell automountd that we want a AUTOFS_MOUNT request.
       Further variables to setup:
       monr.mon_id.my_id.my_vers = 1;  /* For Solaris 2.5, 2.5.1 */
       monr.mon_id.my_id.my_vers = 2;  /* For Solaris 2.6, and 2.7 */
       monr.mon_id.mon_name = command;
       stat.mon_name = command;
       monr.mon_id.mon_name and stat.mon_name will both contain the
    program to execute on the remote system.
       Now, with those variables setup, we can send off our RPC packets
       to the remote system.
       However, to complicate things more, we must modify our tekneeq of
       exploiting this bug, for it to succeed on 2.6 and 2.7.
       Because SUN implements a new function called SMHASH in rpc.statd on
       Solaris 2.6 and 2.7, we will now have to involve DNS spoofing
       to acomplish executing our command.
       Because of the way SMHASH works and the way RPC arguments are
    encoded, our command is what SMHASH attempts to lookup in its
    address tables once rpc.statd receives our packet.
       If SMHASH cannot detect if our command is a valid address, it will
       not forward the packet.  However, if we DNS spoof our command off
       the Primary and Secondary nameservers of the remote system, SMHASH
       will return true for finding the command as an address and our
       packet will be forwarded.
       If you wish to test this bug without DNS spoofing, you can also
       modify the /etc/hosts file on the Solaris system and put in the
       command you want to execute (without arguments) as a hostname
       with an ip address, and it will accomplish the same affect.
       For the actual exploit code to do this, I will let the reader go on
       to the next section to find it.
       If were a Solaris 2.7 machine with pathetic
       as its hostname, and a vulnerable Primary name server,
       an exploit attempt would look like this:
       Execute commands to spoof reboot off Primary NS here
       ./amountdexp pathetic reboot 1
       If were a Solaris 2.5.1 machine with pathetic
       as its hostname, an exploit attempt would look like this:
       ./amountdexp pathetic reboot 0
    ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- ]
    [ Exploit ------------------------------------------------------- ----
       Exploit code for this vulnerability can be easily obtained from the
       following URL:
    ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- ]
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