Buffer overflow in www.boutell.com cgic library

From: Jon Ribbens (jonat_private)
Date: Sun Jan 10 1999 - 08:55:04 PST

  • Next message: John RIddoch: "Re: "solaris 7" name change consequences"

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    Thomas Boutell's cgic library (version 1.05) has a buffer overflow in
    cgiFormEntryString() which is almost certainly exploitable. (Although
    it obviously depends on the program that has linked with cgic.)
    The fault is because he is checking if 'len =3D=3D avail' before examining =
    input character, but if the character is not CR or LF then 'len' is not
    checked after outputting the LFs but before outputting the character.
    (i.e. it checks that there is 1 byte free in the buffer, but then it can
    sometimes place 2 bytes in the buffer before checking again.)
    i.e. if 'avail' is 'n' and the 'n-1'th character is LF or CR and the 'n'th
    character is *not* LF or CR then the character will be written at the end
    of the buffer (because avail =3D=3D sizeofbuffer-1), and then len =3D avail=
     + 1.
    Since he always checks for 'len =3D=3D avail' rather than 'len >=3D avail',=
    means the overflow detection never kicks in, and the routine keeps copying
    until the end of the input. The attacker is free to copy whatever data they
    desire into the memory above the buffer.
    As an example, the cgictest program can be segfaulted by:
    $ REQUEST_METHOD=3DGET QUERY_STRING=3D'address=3D<240 x letter 'A'>%0A<1000=
     x letter 'A'>' ./cgictest
    Content-type: text/html
    <TITLE>cgic test</TITLE></HEAD>
    <BODY><H1>cgic test</H1>
    Name: <BR>
    Address: <PRE>
    <lots of letter A's>
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    Oh, one other point is that the 'cgiSaferSystem' function appears to be
    seriously misguided. It is merely escaping the '|' and ';' characters, which
    is of course totally inadequate.
    I notified Thomas Boutell of this on 12th November 1998, he responded the
    same day thanking me for the report, but the version being distributed on
    www.boutell.com is still the buggy version.
    (As an aside, I think it is safe to use Perl's quotemeta function before
    sending a string to a shell. It puts a backslash before all characters
    except [A-Za-z0-9_]. Am I right or wrong? ;-) )
    \/ Jon Ribbens / jonat_private
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