Re: "solaris 7" name change consequences

From: John RIddoch (jrat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 11 1999 - 02:19:27 PST

  • Next message: Andrew V. Kovalev: "nmap udp scan kills Neware (ex-HDS) X-terminals."

    > Incidentally, I've been using 1.0.1 (hadn't noticed there was a new
    > version), and even for older Solaris versions (no potential for version
    > numbering confusion) the list may not be 100% right - there's a tendency to
    > list patches that won't even install (because they're for uninstalled
    > Solaris components), while security patches for add-on software (not part of
    > Solaris itself) may well be omitted... Presumably at least in part a
    > question of what's included in the patchdiag.xref data files downloaded from
    > SunSolve.
    This was something I had noticed and had hoped would be fixed in 1.0.2 (I was
    still using 1!), although I hadn't noticed the lack of patches for addon
    I would guess the patchdiag.xref file does not contain enough information to
    ascertain whether it is the right CPU type (some patches are only for sun4u),
    whether the package is installed etc.  Perhaps this should be in a wish-list
    for patchdiag 2?
    Furthermore, sometime between 1 and 1.0.2, patchdiag begins to require the file in the same directory as the patchdiag script or if fails
    Can't locate in @INC at line 210.
    This means I have to cd to the before I can run it (previously, I
    could just run patchdiag provided it was in my $PATH).
    John Riddoch    Email: jrat_private        Telephone: (01224)262730
    Room C4, School of Computer and Mathematical Science
    Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, AB25 1HG
    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo.

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