sscan 0.1 alpha release

From: johann sebastian bach (jsb4chat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 19 1999 - 12:37:01 PST

  • Next message: johann sebastian bach: "sscan 0.1 stack overflows"

    hi, early june last year i emailed "mscan 1.0" to  i
    didnt expect there to be such an explosion thereafter.. but almost all
    the major security organizations released advisories about it, etc, and
    to this day i get script kiddies on irc msg'ing me asking me why it wont
    compile on such and such a box, asking me to add new vulnerability
    checks, etc.  at any rate, mscan 1.0 was the most disgusting mess of
    code i've personally ever seen, so as repentance i have coded "sscan".
    this tool is much more powerful than mscan, and has been created with
    self-replication (integration into internet worms), configurability, and
    expandibility in mind.  a built in scripting language allows anyone with
    *no* programming knowledge to add vulnerability checks in a matter of
    os detection is done with both tcp/ip stack id, and more traditional
    methods as well...
    the alpha release of sscan is available at:
    for now only linux (libc and glibc) are supported, but ports to other
    OS's are underway... this tool will be much expanded, this is only a
    prototype sorta th1ng...
    please, * DO NOT POST SSCAN ON YOUR WEBSITE *, this is an alpha release,
    wait for the 1.0 release, then mirror it to your hearts content.  I'm
    looking for feedback here.. email me at jsb4chat_private  thanks!
    p.s. this program is dedicated to wesley "silitek" walsh, thanks for
    your support mang
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