Re: SSH 1.x and 2.x Daemon

From: John RIddoch (jrat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 01:25:36 PST

  • Next message: ET LoWNOISE: "Password manager big lie."

    >Furthermore, if the account is disabled in /etc/passwd and a user logs in
    >via a public key, they are still allowed access.  (So just diabling a user
    >account is not enough anymore.  You have to look for uses of public keys as
    You get the same effect if a user has ~/.rhosts file using rsh/rlogin
    >This may not exist in the 2.x series (I have not tested it there), but it
    >does occur in the 1.2.x series.  (I have not tested the latest version on
    >I would verify the above before panic, but I have seen it occur under one
    >such install of 1.2.x.  (I will have to look up the version.  The drive was
    >removed soon after due to hacker d00dz.)
    I can verify that using keys and ssh-agent under ssh-2.0.11 (Sparc Solaris
    2.6) allows login if the (NIS) account has been disabled.
    However, this is no less or greater a problem than the .rhosts file.  There
    are tools to detect for .rhosts files in disabled accounts; perhaps the
    writers of those scripts might be able to add a check for public keys under
    John Riddoch	Email: jrat_private	Telephone: (01224)262730
    Room C4, School of Computer and Mathematical Science
    Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, AB25 1HG
    "Yoda of Borg are we:  Futile is resistance.  Assimilate you, we will"

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