SSH 1.x and 2.x Daemon

From: KuRuPTioN (kuruptionat_private)
Date: Sat Jan 23 1999 - 14:06:44 PST

  • Next message: Signal 11: "Re: Quake 2 Server Crash"

    There seems to be incomplete code in the SSH daemon in both versions 1.2.27
    and 2.0.11 (only tested).  The bug simply allows users who with expired
    accounts (in /etc/shadow) to continue to login even though other such
    services such as ftp and telnet deny access.  Here is the log using 1.2.27
    (but the same happens with 2.0.11).
    [root@epicenter /etc]# chage -l lamer
    Minimum:        3
    Maximum:        30
    Warning:        5
    Inactive:       -1
    Last Change:            Jan 01, 1999
    Password Expires:       Jan 31, 1999
    Password Inactive:      Never
    Account Expires:        Jan 22, 1999
    [root@epicenter /etc]# date
    Sat Jan 23 13:57:51 PST 1999
    [root@epicenter /etc]# telnet localhost
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    login: lamer
    Your account has expired.  Please contact the system administrator.
    Connection closed by foreign host.
    [root@epicenter /etc]# ssh1 -l lamer localhost
    lamerat_private's password:
    No mail.
    (lamer@epicenter) lamer>
    Now I wanted to try whether the account expiration worked using SSH, and it
    does.  If a user's password has expired, then SSH will prompt following the
    login for the user to enter a new password and disconnect them if they fail
    to (like a telnet would).
    I have reported this problem to the SSH bug e-mail address about 2 weeks ago
    with no response.
    Current System Configuration:
    Linux 2.0.36
    Shadow Utilities 980724
    SSH 1.2.27 and 2.0.11 (both daemons)
    Any solutions (patch?) to this problem would be appreciated.  Currently I
    just run a shell script to change the user's shell to deny them, but this
    shouldn't be necessary since this is one of the listed features of the
    Shadow Utilities.
    Raymond T Sundland

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