Re: Microsoft Access 97 Stores Database Password as Plaintext

From: Billy Naylor (banjoat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 12 1999 - 02:18:26 PST

  • Next message: Darren Reed: "Re: ISS Internet Scanner Cannot be relied upon for conclusive"

    >Or run a utility that wipes out free space on a daily basis.  There
    >are several that I have seen.
    >I am not affiliated with Jetico other than a user, but I use their
    >BestCrypt encrypted filesystem for Windows (which is a great product),
    >and it comes with a utility to fry unused portions of your hard drive
    >and other locations that could contain old data.  The drive wiper is
    >available as a seperate download and is free for noncomercial use.
    >It's about $10 for the purchased version.
     Why pay money for something so simple ?
    # Sets empty disk space to zero
     # number of times to wipe the partition
     my $num = 10;
     my $count;
     my $x = 'x' x (1024 * 1024);
     for (0..$num) {
       if (open (FILE, '>'.$count++.'.clean')) {
         print FILE $x;
         close (FILE);
       else {
         print "$_ ";
         qx|rm *.clean|;
    sub END {
      qx|rm *.clean|;
    # banjo

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