Re: Netscape Communicator window spoofing bug

From: Georgi Guninski (guninskiat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 23 1999 - 04:04:57 PST

  • Next message: John Conover: "Denial of service process table attacks"

    >  I DID look at your code (and I didn't mean that your code was junk,
    >mearly that I had deleted stuff BTW).
    If you have thoroughly looked at my code, you should have noticed the
    main vulnerability:"view-source:javascript:location='';"
    AFAIK Securexpert's code has nothing like that and it works on Internet
    >  If netscape ack'ed that this is a new bug then it is because you got
    >someone new to review it or someone who didn't realize that they are
    >same problem.  Now I wonder if they are looking into this.
    You may find Netscape's opinion at:,4,32588,00.html,4153,1013941,00.html
    >  Anyone who looked at how Secureexperts did their attack could easily
    >move it onto an attack against a regular page (as I did 2 months ago,
    >and you did more recently I presume).  Both exploit the same
    Could you post a publication and WORKING example of the modification, so
    we can see the difference between my exploit and Securexpert's?
    >feature (..not a bug, it is a feature), of being able to direct java to
    >open up a new site inside of another window or frame (Based on a timer
    >or some such trigger).
    Why do you mention Java at all? My exploit does not use Java at all, so
    it should be different. Hope you make difference between Java and
    >  I very much believe it is the same problem.  We have been unable to
    >figure out a good blanket procedure to fix it though.   You can do neat
    >things with timers, should they be taken out of Java in the name of
    >security?  Perhaps we should suggest to the browser developers that
    I can't understand why do you write about Java at all, it has nothing to
    do with my exploit.
    Georgi Guninski
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