Cobalt root exploit

From: Patrick Oonk (patrickat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 25 1999 - 14:02:17 PST

  • Next message: Jon Lewis: "Re: Cobalt root exploit"
    An article on a security exploit was released this
    morning from Wired Magazine and the San Jose Mercury
    News. Cobalt would like to clarify the nature of the
    claim, our response to it, and the solution.
    An individual obtained password information from history
    files on a Cobalt RaQ. With the RaQ, user directories are
    contained within the web tree. This is intentional since
    the purpose of our servers is for users to serve content
    on the web.
    The Details:
    The /etc/skel directory does not populate user
    directories with any files other than the index.html file
    and a private directory. However, if a user telnets into
    the box and runs various shell commands, the bash shell
    maintains a .bash_history file.
    The Problem:
    The .bash_history file is readable by the web server. If
    the admin user inadvertently types the root password at
    the command line (as a command rather than as an
    authentication response), the password will be recorded
    in the .bash_history file. This only affects people who
    telnet into the machine and make the mistake of typing
    their password in as a command.
    The Fix:
    Cobalt has released a security patch in the form of a
    package file that is installed through the web interface.
    The package file changes file permissions for all hidden
    files other than .htaccess in user home directories.
    Package files are available at: or on our website
    at: ShellHistoryPatch-1.0.pkg.
    : Patrick Oonk -  - patrickat_private :
    : Pine Internet B.V.           Consultancy, installatie en beheer :
    : Tel: +31-70-3111010 - Fax: +31-70-3111011 - :
    : -- Pine Security Digest - (Dutch) ---- :
    : "unix is voor types zonder sociaal leven..." - Patrick van Eijk :

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