Re: Digital Unix 4 protected password database.

From: der Mouse (mouseat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 10 1999 - 14:44:40 PST

  • Next message: Delmore: "Re: Winfreeze.c for Solaris ..."

    > I once posted a better algorithm than this [...]... but it never got
    > adopted, and anyway, MD5 or SHA1 is a much better bet.
    Years ago, I did an MD5-based crypt(3) for NetBSD.  I've been using it
    ever since.  I believe it is significantly better for several reasons.
    One, of course, is that it's nonstandard and hence not vulnerable to
    stock crack-alikes - but quite aside from that, it has benefits:
    - MD5 is of clearer US export status than DES (even encryption-only DES
       engines can be used for data secrecy if you use CFB or OFB).
    - The salt is large enough for the foreseeable future (128 bits).
    - The round count is a parameter and is stored as part of the hash
       (meaning, there's no compatability issue involved with raising this
       as CPUs get faster).
    - The hash format is extensible (it begins with a version number).
    Of course, *any* hash except the "standard" traditional one may
    introduce compatability problems if it's shared with NIS (nee YP) or
    moral equivalent.
    I will be happy to send a copy of the code, or a text description of
    the algorithm, to anyone who wants one.
    					der Mouse
    		     7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

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