Re: Long-standing bug in AustNet IRC network Virtual World

From: Paul McGovern (islesat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 05 1999 - 21:07:24 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Evans: "More procmail"

    On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, Grant Bayley wrote:
    | Hi folks,
    | I've documented (with examples) a long standing bug in the AustNet IRC
    | network "Virtual World" service which masks user IP address/hostnames for
    | the purpose of preventing nukes and other fun things.  The admins have
    | known about it for some time but seem to want to fix things like LoveOP
    | which sends lame love messages rather than helping their users stay
    | anonymous and secure, something they tout quite widely on their webpage.
    | I should mention in passing that other IRC networks like Xnet that offer
    | hostname/ip masking do not suffer from the same bug.
    It appears that the Relicnet IRC network, which just the other day
    implemented their version of 'vworld,' suffers from the same sort of
    vulnerability. Quick example:
      nyisles_ - islesat_private
       ircname - moderate rock...
        server - [Dare thee cross the River of Hate?]
          idle - 0h 4m 52s
    nyisles_'s real hostname is When nyisles_ is /umode -i or
    on the same channel as the 'attacker,' and the attacker decides 'well i
    dont like this guy and wish to DoS him and/or try to exploit his machine,'
    he can simply host -l (as documented on the site).
    Then, he can /who *< host here>* until he does, say, /who *jive*
    and get:
    * H    nyisles_ [islesat_private] (!0)
    thus, an attacker who assumes i am using but wasn't sure has
    just been proven that that's really my host and can nuke the crap out of
    me or whatever. The same thing works on IPs - relicnet's IP masking is
    even easier to guess around since only the last number in the IP in a
    non-reversing IP is hidden (i.e. becomes, and
    the attacker can just /who etc. until he hits, and then bingo, the /who will respond with:
    * H    nyisles_ [islesat_private] (!0)
    and once again give away my real IP and remove my so-called 'blanket of
    security.') I verified this on others by telling one of the opers there
    his real hostname after he joined with
    () The-1-Law (blahat_private) joined channel #RelicNet
    since this ISP's nameservers didn't allow host -l queries, /msg nickserv
    list *dmrtc* gave me someone else's real host as an example, and
    after about 30 seconds of /who guessing i had his real host (much to his
    dismay). There may be other vulnerable networks, so far is the
    only network that uses a vworld-type system that i know of that *isn't*
    Paul McGovern (nyisles) - islesat_private
    BSBW Public Library - Technical Assistant
    IRC Administrator -
    IRC Administrator - (under construction)

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