Re: ICQ Webserver bug

From: Ronald A. Jarrell (jarrellat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 06 1999 - 10:42:53 PDT

  • Next message: Harhalakis Stefanos: "Re: Digital Unix 4.0E /var permission"

    >From: Kerb <kerbat_private>
    >I am writing this in reply to the message posted by Ronald A. Jarrell
    >entitled `icq DOS / possible "stupid user" vulnerability`.  What
    >platforms did you test that exploit on?  I tested it on an x86 NT
    >machine (Intel 233 w/ 32 MB of RAM) locally and remotely, dropped it
    >both times.  It did not seem to work on Windows 95, and maybe 98
    >(havent gotten a chance to test yet).  I have a bit of exploit code
    Well, my box was win 98, and the remote box I tested it against was
    win 95.  Didn't have anyone running NT handy to test against.  However,
    another person I corresponded with who was testing this did get it to
    drop a 95 box, but not every time.  Did it every time for me; but there's
    apparently other factors that contribute as well.
    Ron Jarrell
    VA Tech Computing Center

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