Re: ICQ Webserver bug

From: Kaven Rousseau (rousseauat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 08 1999 - 16:30:18 PDT

  • Next message: Mark Crispin: "Re: ipop3d (x2) / pine (x2) / Linux kernel (x2) / Midnight"

    At 08:45 1999-04-08 -0400, you wrote:
    >>Well, my box was win 98, and the remote box I tested it against was
    >>win 95.  Didn't have anyone running NT handy to test against.  However,
    >>another person I corresponded with who was testing this did get it to
    >>drop a 95 box, but not every time.  Did it every time for me; but there's
    >>apparently other factors that contribute as well.
    >>Ron Jarrell
    >>VA Tech Computing Center
    >I try to test this on my NT box ( NT server 4.00.1381, Sevice pack 3 ) and I
    >could not reproduce the error. I've used ICQ Version 99a Beta v.2.13 Build
    >1700. It would be beneficial if Ron Jarrell or Jan Vogelgesang, explained
    >the procedure that they carried out to arrive to the error detailedly.
    >Best regards, Jose.
    I tested it against my own win98 box with IE5 final (english) result: I was
    My friend with win98 and ie4 (french) result: vulnerable
    An other friend with win98 and IE5 (french) result: vulnerable
    we were all using ICQ99a build 1700
    Method used:
    telnet to port 80
    send: QUIT <LF>
    it disconnects after 5 to 10 seconds.
    | Kaven Rousseau
    | rousseauat_private
    | FingerPrint:  F1C8 F915 9F0F DD5E DACB  024B 5C6F 163D F097 40D6
    `------------------- ---- -- -

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