Re: BOA was: An issue with Apache on Debian

From: boaat_private
Date: Tue Apr 13 1999 - 05:56:59 PDT

  • Next message: Daniel Ekman: "Re: ARP problem in Windows9X/NT"

    I know I don't have the same credentials as some of the net.gods
    that post here, but as a maintainer of the web server Boa, and a
    generally active *nix user/programmer/admin who cares about
    security, I'd like to weigh in on the subject of web server setup
    and more general issues of computer security technique.  I hope
    this essay doesn't come across as too pedestrian or long-winded.
    There is certainly some value in not leaking machine configuration
    onto the net at large.  In a perfect world, it wouldn't matter,
    but people and their software are not perfect [1].
    OTOH, you would rightly ignore an assertion that zyxmail was
    insecure, because any user on the system can use it to send a
    copy of /etc/passwd to alt.2600.  Hey, you're the one who gave
    the luser an account, you can yank it too.  Why, then, should
    one be concerned that a user can "ln -s / $HOME/public_html"?
    I know Apache can be configured to not follow symbolic links from
    user directories [2].   Many other programs, Boa included, don't
    attempt to recreate or second guess the protection mechanisms built
    into the OS they run under.  This is a personal beef I have with
    people who ask for, and programmers that provide, bloated programs.
    Daemons run with the uid/gid selected by the sysadmin [3],
    typically an "unprivileged user" [4].  The nominal expectation
    should be that remote users of a such a daemon can make it take
    any action on their behalf, limited by the permissions of that
    uid/gid.  This is certainly true of Boa when semi-untrusted users
    are given control over part of the web virtual space, such as
    with the usual $HOME/public_html mechanism.  It is also true of
    any daemon that has an exploitable buffer overflow bug; containing
    such attacks is a big motivation for using an untrusted uid in the
    first place.
    My recommendation: if you have semi-untrusted users on your system,
    and you consider some configuration files sufficiently sensitive
    that you don't want them splattered all over the internet, don't
    protect them 755 [5].
    There are times when a webserver should show a different virtual
    spaces depending on from where the request comes in -- e.g., local,
    intranet, or big bad world [6].  I suspect this concept has to make
    it into the Debian web policy, in particular to show /doc to local
    users, but not the outside world.  Of course, Apache can do that.
    With minor tweaks or hacks, most other web servers can too [7].
    I have learned that the *nix security model, while less than perfect,
    is far more adaptable and flexible than most people give it credit
    for.  Don't ignore it or fight it, use it to your advantage.
        - Larry Doolittle  <ldoolittat_private>
    [1] It is actually quite reassuring that we have the time to
    worry about subtle information leakage.  It doesn't seem like
    too long ago that bugtraq was full of instant remote root exploits.
    [2] Of course, to implement this, Apache stat()'s every
    component of the path on every request.
    [3] Or system integrator.  People who put a Red Hat or other
    preconfigured system live on the 'net without investigating
    what's really there are fools.
    [4] Historically nobody/nogroup.  This is arguably overused.
    A more modern setup allocates a specific uid/gid for each task.
    [5]  I personally get frustrated trying to make such a machine
    work (in a mortal user role), because I can't self-diagnose
    problems.  I found a "final solution" to this problem many years
    ago, now I have root privileges on my own machine.
    [6] Based on IP number, not name, of course.  DNS is too slow
    for me, and raises security questions of its own.
    [7] I haven't checked how easy it is with the features of the Debian
    version of Boa.  If someone tells me it's needed and will be used,
    _and_ gives a useful description of how to configure it, I can
    certainly program it.  Test and internal use copies of Boa have
    already implemented features along this line.

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