bug in ssh allowing to be invissible

From: Grzegorz Stelmaszek (gregat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 19 1999 - 06:30:20 PDT

  • Next message: Adam D. McKenna: "Re: Buffer overflow in BASH"

    Sorry, but maybe i'll resend this email (I was very sleepy while writing
    prev leter).
    I have just discoverd that there is a bug in sshd allowing ordinary user
    to be showed as not logged in while logged in. You should simply ssh to
    remote host and run command "bash". One that's not so good, is that you
    will not have the controlling terminal, but ...
    Look at this:
    debian:~# w
      9:51pm  up 10 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00
    USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT
    root     tty1                       9:41pm 12.00s  0.81s  0.63s  ssh -l
    root     tty2                       9:44pm  6:30   0.22s  0.06s  ppf
    root     tty3                       9:44pm  0.00s  0.26s  0.04s  w
    debian:~# ssh -lgreg localhost /bin/bash
    gregat_private's password:
    Login     Name      Tty  Idle  Login Time   Office     Office Phone
    root      root      *1         Apr 18 21:41
    root      root      *2      6  Apr 18 21:44
    root      root      *3         Apr 18 21:44
    This means that the potiential unprivialged user can use any account in
    the system (hacked or so), and it's possible that root will not know what
    is happening (or will know when it's too late ;-).
    Vulnerable: all known by me ssh versions (<=1.2.26)
    Solution: If this bug is as serious as i think i'll write a patch.
    * Grzegorz Stelmaszek        *       For my public PGP key finger
    * gregat_private       *          gregat_private
    * http://www.lighting.ml.org *

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