Discus advisory.

From: Elaich Of Hhp (hhpat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 23 1999 - 19:34:08 PDT

  • Next message: David L. Nicol: "javascript hotmail password trap"

              (hhp) Discus advisory. (hhp)
    	Discus (Free discussion for your Web Site!)
    at http://www.chem.hope.edu/discus/ has a directory
    and  file  permission  problem.  The code is really
    messy  and  they  need to learn file and permission
    operations  better.  The source determines the mode
    of  the  directories  and files from other sources:
    Line:   533   in  discus3_01/source/src-board-setup
    which  is  a  totally bad idea being that no matter
    what,  the  private  files  should not be +r... ie,
    the  *.txt's  and so on.  I  contacted the software
    programmers  and  hope  they recognize this problem
    being  that  the files are so open and easy to find
    with any public search engines.  I  noticed quite a
    few  servers  are  using  this software and I would
    guestimate  about  80%  or  more are  vulnerable to
    getting  thier  userfile  cracked  and their server
    	So   my   suggestion  to  people using this
    software  is  check your modes or either wait for a
    new release of the software.  I did not want to get
    into making a patch being that they need to totally
    redo some of their methods.
    elaich - 2:30:15am CST 4/24/1999
    elaich of the hhp.
    Email: hhpat_private / pigspigsat_private
    Voice: 1800-Rag-on-gH pin: The-hhp-crew
    Web: http://hhp.hemp.net

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