Re: Windows NT 4.0, 95, 98 (?) networked PRN flaw

From: Neil Franklin (franklinat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 09 1999 - 23:51:49 PDT

  • Next message: Lyndon Nerenberg: "Re: Windows NT 4.0, 95, 98 (?) networked PRN flaw"

    Jefferson Ogata wrote:
    > The only way I've found to get rid of these files is by using the same NFS
    > client code that was used to create them (whew!).
    I would actually call this an nfsd Bug, that it accepts such paths.
    Servers should not trust clients.
    > This could be used to create a pretty nasty DoS
    > I wonder what would happen if I created a file called "/etc/passwd" in
    > the current directory... probably nothing. But who knows?
    Annother DoS possibility: your backup software may crap on backing up
    such a file, or even worse backup flawlessly and then crap on restoring
    from an tape with such an file.
    Old story: A friend of mine, years ago (so I can not remember the
    details), had a Sun with an Appletalk deamon, which somehow managed to
    bypass the "/" checks in the kernal. Macs allow "/" im Filenames, so
    such a file got created. Whatever backup software he used crapped on
    reading back the tape with these filenames in them.
    As you have had such a file on your system, I would recommend an test
    restore of the directory involved.
    Neil Franklin, Sysadmin, Architecture & CAAD, ETH Zuerich

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