America Online Token Hole

From: Kevin Mack (mackkat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 08 1999 - 08:18:33 PDT

  • Next message: Bob Todd: "Exploit of rpc.cmsd"

    Normally I wouldn't post things of this nature, but I thought it was =
    important enough. About a year ago, I found out that by sending the "Rw" =
    token to the AOL host while signed on along with the object's internal =
    id as arg, any user could get detailed info about any object on the =
    system. Included in this information is the user who created the object =
    and tons of other information like its current viewrule and AOL url. =
    This was all great for about a week until AOL officially fixed the hole. =
    Normally only internal users are allowed such access for security =
    reasons. Using this exploit, anyone can see headings in AOL's Network =
    Operations Center and look at user count information and AOL mothly =
    profits before they are even released. AOL put all there stuff =
    online...Anyways the hole still exists but is windowed for only about an =
    hour a day. I have no clue why and it seems random... For example =
    yesterday July 7th it existed between 6:30-7:30PM EST. Here is a sample =
    FDO88/91 that will create a button to the send the Rw token w arg and =
    help you exploit..fill the internal id with any number you wish to =
    see..i do have a listing of interesting id if anyone wants to follow =
    this further....and goodluck with the timing...
    man_start_object < trigger, "" >
    mat_relative_tag < 22 >
    sm_send_token_arg <"Rw", INTERNAL ID HERE>
    mat_precise_x < 0 >=20
    mat_precise_y < 226 >=20
    mat_font_sis < small_fonts, 7, normal>=20
    mat_art_id < 1-0-21184 >
    mat_bool_default < yes >=20
    comments questions..   mackkat_private

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