Re: Bay Annex-Pri Privacy Issues

From: Eric Vyncke (evynckeat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 10 1999 - 02:03:47 PDT

  • Next message: Darren: "Re: user flags in public temp space (was Re: chflags() [heads up"

    Even, if I'm not obviously working for Nortel ;-), some info:
    DNIS, Dialed Number ??, is the destination phone number a remote user
       is dialling to
    CLID, Calling Line ID, is the source phone number a remote user is
       dialing from
    It is fairly common for NAS, Network Access Server, (the large routers
    with 100's or 1000's of modems), to use both the DNIS and CLID to
    perform some 'authentication'.
    - some ISP are sharing the same big NAS and using the DNIS to differentiate
      calls to ISP#1 from calls to ISP#2
    - refuse calls coming from unknown CLID
    - ...
    CLID and DNIS are:
    - provided by the Telco (and not 100% trustable -- the Telco could be
    - available on most NAS from most vendors by SNMP or RADIUS or TACACS
    Just my 0.01 EUR
    At 10:43 09/08/1999 -0400, lumpy wrote:
    >I was just wondering if anyone had noticed that in the SNMP MIB in
    >the annex-pri models there is a table that has what appears to be
    >dnis information or something. (I havent seen the mib definition
    >so i dont know what it is exactly.)
    >It is located at
    >I tried to get in contact with someone at bay/nortel, but I got no
    >Is it just me, or is this a really bad idea?
    >I suppose its just another reason to read your instruction manual.
    Eric Vyncke
    Consulting Engineer                Cisco Systems EMEA
    Phone:  +32-2-778.4677             Fax:    +32-2-778.4300
    E-mail: evynckeat_private          Mobile: +32-75-312.458

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