9/9/99 and WiN95 Problems

From: has last (alpha25at_private)
Date: Thu Sep 09 1999 - 05:05:32 PDT

  • Next message: Prince Ctrl: "Re: RH 6.0 shadow passwords and locking users bug"

    Hi Aleph,
    If this is already known just discard the message, since I had the courage
    to write (the enormous amount of flowing information and knowledge here
    makes one feel so tiny) I'd like to thank you for such a wonderful job and
    thanx to everybody behind it too...Bugtraq is the fourth best thing in my
    life after family,friends and sex :)
    I'm a system admin. on a small Unix network, after work I build PCs for
    friends and money :)
    A friend of mine wanted to buy a cheap PC so I bought him a 166 Pentium with
    16 Mb ram, I decided I'd install Win95a Arabic Enabled
    since there is no Win95 OSR2 Arabic and Win98 would be too heavy on such a
    machine. After building the machine I tried installing win95
    everything went ok till it reached the copying files stage...
    I got an error message at 98% of the copying process which said the
    Win95_18.CAB file is corrupted and Windows will attempt to 'fix' the
    problem, and I kept clicking OK (go ahead fix it just get it over with!!)
    but it never did and the computer froze.
    I suspected maybe the CD was corrupted so I went back to the local store and
    replaced the OEM win95 CD with another one ..same thing happened again, I
    tried copying the whole CD to partition E:\ of the hard disk and installing
    from the hard disk yet still got the same message. I went back again to my
    dealer complaining and he Finally gave me back my money and I decided to buy
    from another shop another CD, went back home, same error message again
    It was 4:00 am already, I was exhausted,frustrated from argueing with my
    local dealer, and thinking of what to say to the excited guy who was
    expecting to get his new PC and log on the net tomorrow.
    Usually when I'm in an awful mood like this I join irc #freeEgypt on Dalnet,
    complain to friends or just sit there quite watching how their day went. A
    markhy friend of mine called Himyar aka arbymo pointed out that today 9/9/99
    is his girlfriend's birthday and it's a cool date, since I rarely know what
    day it is, that figure (9/9/99)made an alarm ring in my head and I decided
    to go to Yahoo and search for Y2K problems maybe they had something to say
    about 9/9/99, luckily on the main page www.yahoo.com I found topics
    discussing that issue. I didn't even read them I ran to the other PC and
    changed the date from the Bios and finally managed to complete installing
    Win95!! If I had only attempted to install win95 just a couple of hours
    earlier before 12:00 am 9/9/99 non of this would have happened
    but I usually come home from work and sleep a couple of hours.
    Another thing I noticed just before writing this, at work we have a Win98
    with a Matrox Millineum G200 vga card when the employee first turned it on
    today the Matrox MGA desktop software gave an error and win98 gave a blue
    screen, however when I rebooted everything went fine
    maybe it's also another 9/9/99 problem ? or am I getting a bit carried away
    here ?
    P.S: Sorry if this message is too long or contains English mistakes for I
    sbeak za arabic language and I did my Pest :)
    Many thanks to |NaiL| aka NaTaS from #freeEgypt for enlightening me to use
    Linux and giving me Bugtraq's email.
    Salam All,
    Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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