Re: Analysis of Tribe Flood Network

From: Mixter (mixterat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 21:20:23 PST

  • Next message: Shane A. Macaulay: "Re: w00giving #8] Solaris 2.7's snoop"

    I just wanted to tell you that 'trinoo' has been around for
    more than half a year, originally developed by 'takeover / war'
    groups on IRC to launch attacks against users and IRC servers.
    Since trinoo was never published, I wrote TFN and made it publicly
    available at some security sites, in hope to make some people aware
    of the impact of 'distributed DoS'..
    Although I haven't greatly worked on tfn after the public release myself,
    a number of people/groups seem to have made private versions of it with
    encryption and support for other operating systems and used it for
    active denial of service.
    The real big problem is the fact that so many systems are still compromisable
    at root level with the most commonly used exploits (now I hear that even many
    Internet2 machines are), and that some people still haven't realized that a
    root compromise means *total control* over the systems hard- and software..
    including denial of service, automated compromising of other machines, remote
    eavesdropping, virtually everything you (or the intruder) can imagine..
    In my opinion, it is not advisable to rely on IDS signatures only,
    instead systematically secure machines before they are put on the net, and
    closely examine machines where remote security holes were patched after
    already being on the net for some time, because it is really a trivial
    matter to change a lot of the behavior and strings which programs like
    flood networks use, and this is obviously actively being done.

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