Re: Wmmon under FreeBSD

From: der Mouse (mouseat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 27 1999 - 11:43:39 PST

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    >> I should like to know why more apps don't require the *bsd
    >> {proc,kern}fs interface.
    Near as I can figure, it goes like this:
    	Nobody mounts them because nobody uses them.
    	Nobody uses them because they're never mounted.
    > Under modern BSD4.4, the preferred method is using sysctl(3),(8), as
    > opposed to kernfs.
    Except kernfs exports some things sysctl doesn't - at least under
    NetBSD, the variant with which I'm most familiar.
    What are the sysctl analogs of /kern/msgbuf and /kern/rootdev, in
    particular?  (/kern/rootdev is especially nice because it's directly
    mountable; with sysctl you'd first have to create a writeable
    filesystem somewhere to make a /dev entry in, leading to a
    chicken-and-egg problem.)
    Also, the filesystem interface has advantages over the sysctl
    interface, for some uses.  In particular, the interface to userland is
    *much* more stable, meaning that kernel/userland mismatches break it
    significantly less often.
    					der Mouse
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