Password issue in Axent ESM 5.0.1 Console

From: Todd (thathawaat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 16:04:14 PST

  • Next message: Brad Griffin: "Re: NIS2k"

    Axent's latest release of its ESM product was redesigned and supposedly
    revamped around it's new "Management Console".  The new management console
    is based on an underlying Access Database.  The console is password
    protected each time the application is launched.  However, when the user
    wants to change the console password, the next time the application is
    launched the database is inaccessible because the code does not update the
    password on the database file.  It is reported that contact of Axent
    resulted in being told to launch the MS Access DB file and disable password

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