Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: explanation and code for stream.c issues

From: Tim Yardley (yardleyat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 21 2000 - 16:52:54 PST

  • Next message: Guy Cohen: "Re: stream.c - new FreeBSD exploit?"

    The rulesets that were suggested by Darren Reed forgot to include the
    outgoing connections.
    this is the updated rulesets...
    block in quick proto tcp from any to any head 100
    pass in quick proto tcp from any to any flags S keep state group 100
    pass out proto tcp from any to any flags S keep state
    pass in all
    Brian Kraemer <kraemerat_private> pointed this out with the
    following paragraph:
    :: FYI this ruleset (with no other rules applied) will also effectively block
    :: any outgoing TCP sessions initiated from this machine. The machine will
    :: send a SYN, and then get blocked because the input rules never saw an
    :: incoming SYN to start keeping state. Thus, the ruleset should be revised.
    -- Diving into infinity my consciousness expands in inverse
        proportion to my distance from singularity
    +--------  -------  ------  -----  ---- --- -- ------ --------+
    |  Tim Yardley (yardleyat_private)	
    |  http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~yardley/
    +--------  -------  ------  -----  ---- --- -- ------ --------+

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