
From: Elias Levy (aleph1at_private)
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 09:53:05 PST

  • Next message: Theo de Raadt: "Re: Tempfile vulnerabilities"

    Well it seems that EICAR attachment set off a lot of alarms. To clear
    things up the EICAR file is a test file used to test an antivirus
    basic functions are working. You can find out more about EICAR at
    A reminder: BUGTRAQ is a vulnerability mailing list. As such some of
    the content posted to it can be downright dangerous. For all you know
    someone may post a working exploit against your mail program which will
    execute once you open a message. So remember to be paranoid.
    Some things to keep in mind:
    * Don't read BUGTRAQ using an HTML capable MUA.
    * Don't read BUGTRAQ using a scriptable MUA.
    * Don't read BUGTRAQ using a MIME capable MUA with a questionable mailcap file.
    * Don't read BUGTRAQ using "smart" MUA that interprets the message contents.
    * Don't trust executable attachments such as binaries or macro capable
      data files.
    * Do use an antivirus program.
    Elias Levy

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