Re: PGP Signatures security BUG!

From: Steven M. Bellovin (smbat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 10:10:39 PST

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    In message <p04310108b4eabe46523c@[]>, "Povl H. Pedersen" writes
    > It will take a long time to generate a new key with a specific
    > fingerprint, but nonetheless, this 'overwriting' and hiding of other
    > users IDs in the public PGP servers is bad.
    Minor nit -- there's a big difference between a "fingerprint" -- which is the
    result of a cryptographic hash on the key, and should *never* collide (and if
    it does, you can get lots of attention by showing that the hash function isn't
    strong enough) -- and a "key id", which is much shorter.
    		--Steve Bellovin

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