Re: Double clicking on innocent looking files may be dangerous

From: Michael C. Bazarewsky (BazarewskyM@SOFTWARE-ANSWERS.COM)
Date: Tue Apr 17 2001 - 13:47:27 PDT

  • Next message: Georgi Guninski: "Re: Double clicking on innocent looking files may be dangerous"

    I believe the true source of this issue may be Explorer not properly
    checking to see if a "directory junction point" / "folder junction point" is
    really a folder or is a file.  The "FolderName.{CLSID}" syntax for creating
    a folder junction point has been around since Win95 and is documented in
    MSDN; see for example
    Doing the same operation with a folder instead of a file, in this case using
    the HTML Application CLSID, leads to an IE error message.
    I'm not going to get into whether the folder-level functionality should
    exist in this fashion or not.
    -- Mike Bazarewsky

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