Re: Linux patches to solve /tmp race problem

From: Tollef Fog Heen (tollefat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 09:25:08 PDT

  • Next message: Ken Pfeil: "Re: XML scripting in IE, Outlook Express"

    * Kurt Seifried
    | > PAM handles this quite nicely.
    | >
    | > I've hacked together a PAM module which sets TMPDIR (and TMP) to
    | > /tmp/user/uid, which I could probably make available (mail me if you
    | > are interested).  Fixing programs to use TMP and TMPDIR is the correct
    | > solution.
    | No need for that when we have "pam_env". From the docs "This module allows the
    | (un)setting of environment variables. Supported is the use of previously set
    | environment variables as well as PAM_ITEMs such as PAM_RHOST."
    | /etc/security/pam_env.conf
    I couldn't get it to set TMP to something which was per-user (which is
    probably easy, but it wouldn't cooperate with me), and it doesn't (and
    shouldn't) create the tmpdir for you.  This is implemented in a nicer
    (imho) way in pam_tmpdir which removes the need for world writable
    /tmp/user/ . An alternative which would be able to do the exact same
    thing is get pam_env to set TMP and TMPDIR and have a suid
    create-tmpdir-program which creates the /tmp/user/$UID .
    Tollef Fog Heen
    Unix _IS_ user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are.

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