Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images

From: Henrik Nordstrom (hnoat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 16 2001 - 17:21:19 PDT

  • Next message: Jason Brooke: "Re: The Dangers of Allowing Users to Post Images"

    Unfortunately, using client IP in access controls/sessions will render
    your service unusable for some people behind load balanced proxies. In
    such environment the source IP is not tied to the user, and will change
    every now and then between a set of different IP's (not to mention that
    there may be thousands of other users using the same IP).
    Also, please note that the class of attacks described here uses the
    users own browser, so your IP check won't do any good here as the
    attacks comes from the users own browser with his IP. Further, if you
    pass around the ticket in URLs then this class of attacks will also have
    full access to the ticket from the referer URL, so if you only base your
    security on these two measurements (client IP + ticket present in the
    URL) then your are most likely at risk here.
    Using a one-time ticket embedded in forms (not URL's) as key to enable
    actions, submitted only via POST (not GET), combined with proper
    protection from the cross-site-scripting family of vulnerabilities
    should render the service quite secure against these classes of
    vulnerabilities, assuming there is no cross-site vulnerabilities in the
    browsers used.
    In most applications only actions needs to be protected with tickets,
    not information retrieval. In such cases, the ticket should be created
    when the user initiates an action, and only be valid for that specific
    Lets take a discussion forum as an example. There the ticket should be
    created when the user selects to create a message or reply. This ticket
    then enables the user to submit this message to the forum. While the
    user is only browsing the discussion forum there should not exists any
    To be friendly to your users a limited set of tickets should be allowed
    to be active (i.e. more than one but less than many). How many depends
    on how many actions (composing messages or whatever) you allow the user
    to perform in parallel.
    Regarding the discussion on Referer checks. These are quite weak and
    won't necessarily gain you anything in terms of security. It is well
    known that Referer can be forged, and to further add to this some
    browsers preserve Referer when following redirects, allowing this kind
    of attacks to bypass any Referer check if your users follows URL's
    (direct or indirect via images) posted by other users or even your own
    staff when linking to external sites.
    My recommendations in short:
    1. Use one-time tickets to verify then intent whenever a user performs
    an action that modifies data.
    2. Make sure the application is fully protected from
    cross-site-scripting (and in this case cross-user-scripting) issues.
    3. If your intention is that the users are not allowed to link directly
    into your application then use Referer checks, but do not rely on this
    for verifying intent. There are other measurements much more reliable.
    4. Do not rely on the client IP in session management. There are plenty
    of legitimate cases where the client IP is not static and may change in
    between two requests of the same session.
    5. Use SSL to encrypt the traffic. However, compared to the basic risks
    discussed here encryption is only a minor thing, and won't by itself
    solve anything.
    Henrik Nordstrom
    Squid HTTP proxy developer
    Tim Nowaczyk wrote:
    > My company  implemented this but went one more step.  They
    > created a file that had (IP, ticket) pairs. The ticket was
    > passed around in URLs, but wasn't valid unless it came from
    > the specific IP.  To pretend to be someone else, one would
    > have to spoof their IP and guess the value of their (10 hour
    > life-cycle) ticket.  We did this, originally, because we
    > wanted to support web browsers that didn't use cookies.
    > The file was, actually, more like (IP, ticket,
    > cookie-type-options-and-settings). It worked well for us.
    >   Sincerely,
    >   Tim Nowaczyk
    >   <>< Truth

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