Vulnerability: CylantSecure

From: Juergen Pabel (juergenat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 29 2001 - 09:39:08 PDT

  • Next message: ByteRage: "cesarFTP v0.98b 'HELP' buffer overflow"

    CylantSecure is a kernel patch and system that analyses behavior and kills 
    programs that deviates from the "normal" system behaviour. The 
    vulnerability lies in the processessing delay that occurs between a process 
    violating some security rule and the actual killing of the process (a user 
    space analyser). By inserting a module (which in itself is a violation, but 
    due to the mentioned delay it suceeds) that reroutes function pointers the 
    system can effectively be disabled. The vulnerability exists in 
    CylantSecure 1.1 and earlier (the Cylant Team has been notified and is 
    working on a fix).
    Attached is an exploit for this vulnerability.
    Juergen Pabel

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