Re: A Study In Scarlet - Exploiting Common Vulnerabilities in PHP Applications

From: Stephen Cope (mail-e-f3dcc3d8d97d43de3aat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 00:04:40 PDT

  • Next message: Wizdumb: "CesarFTPd, Cerberus FTPd"

    : Please read that again if that doesn't make you blink, a remote user can
    : send any file they wish to a PHP enabled machine and before a script has
    The maximum file size is also specified in the PHP configuration, and can
    also be specified in the Apache configuration too.
    PHP: upload_max_filesize
    Apache: LimitRequestBody
    : even specified whether or not it accepts file uploads that file is SAVED on
    : the local disk.
    Yes, and it is deleted once the script has completed executing.
    : I'm going to ignore any resource exhaustion attacks that may or may not be
    : possible using file upload functionality, I think they're fairly limited if
    : not impossible in any case.
    Resource exhaustion? Maximum possible resource usage is:
      min(upload_max_filesize, LimitRequestBody) * MaxClients
    In the case of one server, this would be:
      min(2M, 4M) * 200 = 400MB
    Easily launched with the Apache benchmarking tool, but dependant on the 
    bandwidth between the attacker and the attacked:
      ab -c 200 -n 200 -p 2mb_of_data.txt http://host/
    I don't see it as a problem, not even over a Fast Ethernet connection.
    : This form input will provide exactly the variables the PHP scripts expects
    : to be set by PHP, but instead of working on an uploaded file the script will
    Use is_uploaded_file and move_uploaded_file instead. They aren't fooled.
    Stephen Cope -

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