RE: cold fusion 5.0 cfrethrow exploit

From: Jeff Palmer (scorpioat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 10:39:41 PDT

  • Next message: bjarne bingo: "Re: Multiple win32 servers vulnerable to DoS (OS matter)"

    > Anyone seen a proof of concept for the 'huge allaire exploit' that they are
    > telling everyone to put that patch on for? I think its a hoax as I have not
    > seen it yet ...just some marketing ploy to get everyone to upgrade...
    > -MJ?
    Let me start by saying I am not a ColdFusion programmer or anything near
    there.  I do however admin 2 RH servers for a company in texas who use CF.
    With permission,  I have tested this exploit, and have verified it works
    as advertised  (restarts the CF server on redhat linux)
    Once,  apache crashed along with it (signal 11.  It dumped core but I
    didn't take time to debug why) Therefore it didn't restart. It effectively
    killed the web server. (This happened once out of nearly 100 tests,  on a
    devel box)
    There are things you need to consider here.
    #1)  Most organizations still use the NT version of the server. So if
    this was a marketing ploy,  I'd assume allaire would show an NT
    #2) This exploit only affects systems where users have write access to a
    website.  If your server only offers access to developers,  you are not
    vulnerable  (Unless you upset one of your employees, in which case,  you
    have many more problems than a simple server restart)
    Jeff Palmer

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