SurgeFTP admin account bruteforcable

From: ByteRage (byterageat_private)
Date: Sat Aug 04 2001 - 05:31:01 PDT

  • Next message: Rick Byers: "Re: Massive attack to Alcatel Speed Touch Home & Pro (fwd)"

    SurgeFTP admin account bruteforcable
    SurgeFTP <= 2.0f on a win32 platform,
    should give the same results on *nix
    SurgeFTP uses the same (extremely weak) hashing
    algorithm as the NWauth module to store the admin
    password, but adding a fixed 'salting' value (which is
    "qr") making it even weaker against all kinds of
    attacks, in this case : bruteforcing the admin
    (You'll have to consult the source code of the NWAuth
    module to figure out what I mean)
    In brief, what happens is :
    When the SurgeFTP administrator sets his account name
    + password (Surgeftp won't work without it), this
    information is written to the file 'admin.dat' by
    SurgeFTP, so that this file contains something like :
    This file now contains the authentication information
    for the admin to login using Basic http authentication
    on port 7021 (this portnumber can be used to identify
    SurgeFTP servers BTW) for 'web administration'.
    Since this authentication on port 7021 allows logins
    ad infinitum, it can be bruteforced. 'MGR channel'
    logins get logged though (they get written to
    surgeftp.log, surgeftp1.log, ... surgeftp5.log, the
    logs use about 1 meg of hd space before they start
    From an attacker standpoint, we can crack the SurgeFTP
    computer by using weaknesses in the way the admin
    password is stored (it is better if you think of it as
    cracking the hashes using their associated passwords,
    then cracking the passwords) :
    a) the password hash always begins with "qr" (the
    'salting' value)this introduces new weaknesses, since
    this value is used in the hashing algorithm and makes
    certain hashes impossible since they don't match any
    b) every character of the password goes through some
    calculations (using the salting variable) and goes
    through a modulo 40 ! meaning the possible hashes are
    at maximum 40 x 40 x 40 for any three character
    passwords fe. (but alot less because of a)
    c) since certain hashes have more passwords associated
    with them, we can order our specially generated
    password lists
    Enough theory, now some numbers :
    -> a (null password) is cracked in 1 try (duh)
    -> for any 1 char (256 possibilities) pwd you set as
    admin, an attacker just tries a 4, a 1, a 3, a 0, and
    when all else fails a 2 and he 0wns your win 2 0 0 0
    -> for any 2 char pwd (256^2 possibilities), we need
    <= 168 tries
       (maximum 8 seconds at 20 attempts / sec.)
    -> for any 3 char pwd (256^3 possibilities), we need
    <= 3916 tries
       (maximum 3 minutes 15 seconds at 20 attempts /
    -> for any 4 char pwd (256^4 possibilities), we need
    <= 96012 tries
       (maximum 1 hour 20 minutes at 20 attempts / sec.)
    -> for any 5 char pwd (256^5 possibilities), we need
    <= 2349912 tries
       (maximum 1 day 8 hours 40 minutes at 20 attempts /
    For demonstrative purposes, I've attached a zipped up
    wordlist that can crack all passwords <= 3 chars (*nix
    LF format) The password list is sorted according to
    point c) meaning that the first passwords have more
    chances of matching a given hash (because that hash
    has most passwords associated with it).
    The zip also contains the password list generator
    For pwds > 5/6 chars, we might want to make separate
    password lists for digits only, lowercase alpha,
    uppercase alpha, ...
    Since the SurgeFTP administrator account has
    read/write/delete/... privileges to all resources,
    the impact of bruteforcing the account is quite high.
    The password can easily be guessed for passwords of up
    to 5 to 6 characters. And when installing SurgeFTP,
    there is no possible way of enabling a better hashing
    algorithm for the admin account, nor can web
    administration be disabled when running the server
    (you should block port 7021 on the firewall). The
    mitigating factors are that 1) an attacker has to know
    the loginname of the adminstrator account (we can
    only assume this will be set to "admin" but it can be
    anything) and 2) passwords of more than 6 characters
    start to take time to crack unless we limit ourselves
    to certain password compositions.
    incubus, zoa chien, r00t-dude, AreS, sentinel, the
    rest of the #securax people, phr0zen, eXploitek (Xt),
    n-sanity, and the lucky few that I forgot :)
    [ByteRage] byterageat_private []
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