Re: Infecting the KaZaA network?

From: Brad Maloney (kickerat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 06 2002 - 23:42:23 PST

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    KaZaA downloads the installation executable in chunks from different
    When peiced back together in the end to make the final executable, you'd
    a corrupt executable due to the inconsistent filesizes of an infected exe
    clean exe.
    -    Brad
    From: "Andrew McClymont" <>
    Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 3:10 PM
    Subject: Infecting the KaZaA network?
    > I just found out a folder named "My shared folder" under the KaZaA
    > installation folder.
    > What happens if I infect the files under "My shared folder" with a virii
    > or some trojan, every user that gets their KaZaA client from my computer
    > gets screwed, right?  And then, the victim himself will be sharing the
    > KaZaA client infected to new victims.

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