Re: UPDATE: [wcolburnat_private: SMTP relay through checkpoint firewall]

From: Tommaso Di Donato (t.didonatoat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 08:27:44 PST

  • Next message: Jens Liebchen: "pforum: cross-site-scripting bug"

    >The authors of Squid sorted that problem out YEARS ago. The default ACLs
    >within Squid state:
    >acl SSL_ports port 443 563
    ># Deny CONNECT to other than SSL ports
    >http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
    >i.e. you can only use the CONNECT proxy option for ports 443 and 563.
    >I'm amazed this isn't the default in other products...
    I love Squid, and yes, default Squid configuration solves this problem...
    But if you want a secure proxy, you have to change the parameter http_port 
    to listen only to your internal IP address!!! Default config is:
    so anyone from the internet can use your proxy (I fond a lot of server so 
    configured!!!!). Change it to
    http_port #private IP
    My 0.02...
    Tommaso Di Donato

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