PHP problem

From: veins (veinsat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 10:13:54 PDT

  • Next message: InterWN Labs: "Cross Site Scripting. Many Sites Vulnerable."

    This is not really an advisory, but a warning for sysadmins running
    with PHP. I noticed that it was possible to rebuild the user database (Unix)
    even when safe_mode prevented from reading /etc/passwd and open_basedir
    prevented from accessing /etc.
    The implementation of getpw{uid,nam} functions (and their groups equivalent)
    in PHP do not check values for safe_mode and open_basedir letting a user
    rebuild a complete /etc/passwd file.
    There was no implementation of getpwent() so the user has to loop on all
    possible uid's but in some environnements, it can cause some problems.
    For more informations, I have posted a bug report and a script showing
    the problem:
    I hope that can prevent some problems on your servers  ;)
    Anyways, a quick fix would be to disable posix_* functions that deal with
    the user database.
    Sysadmin @ &&

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