Re: IRIX rpc.passwd vulnerability

From: Frank Bures (lisfrankat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 07 2002 - 10:58:14 PDT

  • Next message: Olaf Kirch: "Re: Format String bug in TrACESroute 6.0 GOLD"

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    Installation of this patch leads to arbitrarily changed permissions of the 
    /tmp directory.
    On my various IRIX boxes, some permissions remained correct (1777), some were 
    changed to 777, some even to 755.
    On Tue, 4 Jun 2002 15:47:28 -0700 (PDT), SGI Security Coordinator wrote:
    >                          SGI Security Advisory
    >        Title:      rpc.passwd vulnerability
    >        Number:     20020601-01-P
    >        Date:       June 4, 2002
    >        Reference:  CAN-2002-0357
    >--- Issue Specifics ---
    >It's been reported that /usr/etc/rpc.passwd has a vulnerability which
    >could allow a user to compromise root.
    >SGI has investigated the issue and recommends the following steps for
    >neutralizing the exposure.  It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that these measures be
    >implemented on ALL vulnerable SGI systems.
    >These issues have been corrected with patches and in future releases of
    >--- Impact ---
    >The rpc.passwd binary is not installed by default on IRIX 6.5 systems. It is
    >part of the optional subsystem "nfs.sw.nis".
    >To see if rpc.passwd is installed, execute the following command:
    >  # versions nfs.sw.nis
    >  I = Installed, R = Removed
    >     Name                 Date        Description
    >     I  nfs                  03/26/2002  Network File System, 6.5.16m
    >     I  nfs.sw               03/26/2002  NFS Software
    >     I  nfs.sw.nis           03/26/2002  NIS (formerly Yellow Pages) Support
    >If the line containing "nfs.sw.nis" is returned, then it is installed and
    >the system is potentially vulnerable.  This vulnerability applies only to
    >systems that are configured as YP masters ("chkconfig yp" shows "on", and
    >"ps -ef | grep rpc.passwd" shows that rpc.passwd is running).
    >To determine the version of IRIX you are running, execute the following
    >  # uname -R
    >That will return a result similar to the following:
    >  # 6.5 6.5.15f
    >The first number ("6.5") is the release name, the second ("6.5.15f" in this
    >case) is the extended release name.  The extended release name is the
    >"version" we refer to throughout this document.
    >This vulnerability was assigned the following CVE:
    >--- Temporary Workaround ---
    >SGI understands that there are times when upgrading the operating system or
    >installing patches are inconvenient or not possible.  In those instances, we
    >recommend the following workaround, although it may have a negative impact
    >on the functionality of the system:
    >  Disable the rpc.passwd binary by issuing the following command:
    >  # chmod 444 /usr/etc/rpc.passwd
    >  # killall rpc.passwd
    >  After doing this, it will be necessary to run the "passwd" program on the
    >  NIS master in order to cause NIS password changes.
    >Instead of using this workaround, SGI recommends either upgrading to IRIX
    >6.5.16 when released, or installing the appropriate patch from the listing
    >below.  We recommend this course of action because IRIX 6.5.16 and the patch
    >also fix other non security-related issues with rpc.passwd.
    >--- Solution ---
    >SGI has provided a series of patches for these vulnerabilities. Our
    >recommendation is to upgrade to IRIX 6.5.16 when available, or install the
    >appropriate patch.
    >   OS Version     Vulnerable?     Patch #      Other Actions
    >   ----------     -----------     -------      -------------
    >   IRIX 3.x        unknown                     Note 1
    >   IRIX 4.x        unknown                     Note 1
    >   IRIX 5.x        unknown                     Note 1
    >   IRIX 6.0.x      unknown                     Note 1
    >   IRIX 6.1        unknown                     Note 1
    >   IRIX 6.2        unknown                     Note 1
    >   IRIX 6.3        unknown                     Note 1
    >   IRIX 6.4        unknown                     Note 1
    >   IRIX 6.5          yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.1        yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.2        yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.3        yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.4        yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.5        yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.6        yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.7        yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.8        yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.9        yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.10       yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.11       yes                       Notes 2 & 3
    >   IRIX 6.5.12       yes           4588        Note 4
    >   IRIX 6.5.13       yes           4588        Note 4
    >   IRIX 6.5.14       yes           4589        Note 4
    >   IRIX 6.5.15       yes           4589        Note 4
    >   IRIX 6.5.16       no                        Note 4
    >   NOTES
    >     1) This version of the IRIX operating has been retired. Upgrade to an
    >        actively supported IRIX operating system.  See
    > for more
    >        information.
    >     2) If you have not received an IRIX 6.5.X CD for IRIX 6.5, contact your
    >        SGI Support Provider or URL:
    >     3) Upgrade to IRIX 6.5.16m or 6.5.16f.
    >     4) Note that these patches (and IRIX 6.5.16) address other rpc.passwd
    >        issues not related to the specific security issue being reported in
    >        this bulletin.  See the release notes for details.
    >                ##### Patch File Checksums ####
    Frank Bures, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Toronto, M5S 3H6
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