Re: Format String bug in TrACESroute 6.0 GOLD

From: Olaf Kirch (okirat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 07 2002 - 04:40:05 PDT

  • Next message: Sharad Ahlawat: "Re: Three possible DoS attacks against some IOS versions."

    On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 08:13:39PM -0000, DownBload wrote:
    > TrACESroute is just another traceroute program. TrACESroute use RAW SOCKET,
    > so it must be run under root account, and because of that, traceroute 
    > usually has attached suid bit. 
    I'll seize the opportunity to point to a traceroute reimlementation
    I wrote that does not require any s bit. It uses the same Linux 2.4 kernel
    features as tracepath from ANK's iputils package, but it walks and talks
    pretty much the same as the original, i.e. I've tried to make it as compatible
    wrt command line and output format as possible.
    Oh, and it's a bit faster than the BSD traceroute because it sends
    out several queries in parallel.
    You can find this thing at
    Olaf Kirch        |  Anyone who has had to work with X.509 has probably
    okirat_private   |  experienced what can best be described as
    ------------------+  ISO water torture. -- Peter Gutmann

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