Re: Three possible DoS attacks against some IOS versions.

From: Felix Lindner (felix.lindnerat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 08 2002 - 02:21:40 PDT

  • Next message: securityat_private: "Security Update: [CSSA-2002-SCO.25] OpenServer 5.0.5 OpenServer 5.0.6 : snmpd denial-of-service vulnerabilities."

    Sharad Ahlawat wrote:
    > an excerpt form RFC 2281 - Cisco HSRP
    > 7. Security Considerations
    >  It is difficult to subvert the protocol from outside the
    >  LAN as most routers will not forward packets addressed to the
    >  all-routers multicast address (
    This does not prevent remote attacks because Cisco devices do not
    validate the destination address of a HSRP packet. Unicast packets are
    accepted, which can be tested using the hrsp tool at 

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