Re: SSI & CSS execution in MakeBook 2.2

From: Kristina Pfaff-Harris (kristinaat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 08:13:02 PDT

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    In-Reply-To: <20020612072206.29312.qmailat_private>
    >Advisory name: SSI & CSS execution in MakeBook 2.2
    >Advisory number: 5							
    >Application: MakeBook 2.2 (CGI script)
    >Application author: Kristina Pfaff-Harris 
    Gah. This is embarassing, especially since the original advisory about 
    Matt's guestbook came out frigging years ago.
    Name, email, and text entered are now checked more rigorously, which 
    should fix this bug.  I've notified all registered users of the script to 
    upgrade immediately.
    The fix is a quick and ugly one, and does not allow for international 
    characters in either the name or the email, and thus does not allow for 
    several perfectly valid email addresses, but also should eliminate the 
    vulnerability. Names now are stripped of everything but A-Za-z0-9-_.'
    and emails of everything but A-Za-z0-9-_.@ .
    Btw, and just as a side note, does anyone actually notify the writer of 
    the script/software/whatever that has an exploit anymore? (I mean besides 
    just posting to BugTraq?) It would have been nice to see a note about this 
    before seeing it here. :-)

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